Resultados: 5

Participação social na saúde e o papel da enfermagem: aplicação do modelo ecológico

Objective: This study aimed at identifying the elements of the Ecological Model by analyzing scientific publications on social participation in health and the role of nursing. Methods: This integrative literature review was carried out in June 2017. The articles were selected using pre-established inclus...

Gestantes/puérperas usuárias de crack: necessidades prioritárias na reconstrução de um viver sem drogas

Objetivo: identificar a partir da história de vida das gestantes/puérperas usuárias de crack, as necessidades prioritárias que poderiam ajudá-las a reconstruir um viver sem drogas. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo estudo de caso, com três participantes, sendo uma gestante e...

Sentimentos vivenciados por profissionais que atuam em serviços de proteção a crianças e adolescentes vítimas de violência intrafamiliar e os efeitos na prática cotidiana

Objective: In this study, the main goal has been to reveal the feelings experienced by professionals who work in services to protect children and teenagers victims of domestic violence and its effects in daily practice. Methods: An exploratory and descriptive study of a qualitative nature conducted with ...

Compreensões de cuidado na visão de mulheres puérperas

Objective: to know the perception of the nursing care through the eyes of puerperal women in a maternity, during the stay in a joint accommodation. Methods: qualitative research with 14 women who were in a joint accommodation. Data were collected through semi-structured interview from May to June 2014. T...

Envelhecimento ativo: reflexão necessária aos profissionais de enfermagem/saúde

to reflect on possible factors that contribute to an active aging, as well as strategies that can be used for nurses and other professionals in promoting the active aging. Method: theoretical reflection based on Brazilian and foreign sources. Results: they are presented in three axes: Characterizing acti...